Monday, October 31, 2011

Beautiful Fall in Arad for Missionaires McFadden

After having the Elders and Sisters over for a Halloween Dinner of chicken taco soup (thanks Kelly for the wonderful seasoning!!!!) and fruit crepes that Dave made, we went for a walk to Centru and took some pics that may give you an idea of "downtown" at night on a nice Fall evening. The building with Sora McFadden in front is the Theatre. It is a landmark building right in the center of the main road...(the TranVias and roads go around it! ) It was built in 1848 housing a large performance stage with 4 tiers of loges and a small theatre in the round. On Sat. Evening we saw the performance "Cererein Casatorii" which was very good and we actually understood most of it. This theatre is very large and has ornate interior...very fun!
Do they celebrate Halloween in Romania? It is catching on a little, not much for the costume thing, but pumpkin carving and hats which we did with our YSA group on Friday evening. We got pumpkins from the piata and decorated the place with beautiful fall leaves that I gathered and had Romanian and Hungarian music. One of the gals showed us the dances and brought along 4 guys that could dance as well. We had food and rocked out at the villa while the Mission President was interviewing missionaries on the bottom floor. Good times.
The care packages have come at such a time as to lift us in such a way that we "carry on" ....the trick or treat candy package came for Halloween, but was actually for Dave's Birthday. Things are a little slow.....the one from 4th ward Y W has quite a story behind it as it was sent to Arad and it is unusually difficult to get a package here. Took two Romanians to help us figure where to pick it up, then after showing passport and other ID they opened it before they would release it to us. But, so worth the effort of going clear across Arad to find the Post as this "TREASURE" from B H 4th ward YW brought tears and joy and such appreciation for the efforts and love that was put into that very treasured book. Thank you girls so very much.
We had District Conference a week ago which includes 4 cities. People come by train, bus and walking to attend and we got a real surprise. As we were walking in, the mission pres. grabbed Elder McFadden and asked him if he would serve as District Clerk! Now that is a challenge as none of the branch presidents speak English and the records are in Romanian. We have to scan reports and get lei (money) back to those who have had expenditures. Our branch president was also changed and our new one doesn't speak any English. Puts a whole new curve on things for us. We do understand a bit, but speaking is still not there, but we are getting along with words and some understanding. Elder McFadden gave the lesson, with the help of the Elders to translate, on using the Priesthood and giving blessings. They were all so excited to learn how to give blessings and to receive the consecrated oil and vials that we had obtained from the Mission Headquarters. (Can't just run over to Deseret Book) This whole process took us several weeks to put into place, but another step for our branch. We have some very dedicated and good people and the new Branch Pres. is trying so hard to do the right thing which he kinda has to figure out with our help as he has no Handbook in Romanian yet. So much to do a baby step at a time. But this little "ember" will grow and the church will be strong in Romanian as was promised through the apostle that dedicated this land in 1989.
We wouldn't be telling the truth if we indicated that we don't miss you at all! Our prayers are getting so long as we have so many to remember and so many "tender mercies" to be thankful for that have come to us through a loving Heavenly Father. We are grateful for Him and the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We have good neighbors and we are trying to let them see the light of Christ through us. They are dear people and we love trying our Roanian out when we see them.
Although our "set back in time" shock has worn off we are still in awe of the differences and yet the modern Romania turns up as we stroll around Centru and see the businessmen and very chic women and young people and the string of high end cars. We decided we live in a nicer neighborhood than we realized. It is still difficult to shop for specific things like baking items and the measurements which are more guestimates and the weights and measures and understanding their fast paced words as they tell us how much the price is. It is still a kick to go to the piata almost everyday and get the "local stuff". For those of you who know our passion for creches should be as excited as we are as we found a beautiful Romanian made creche and the storekeeper said it was made in St. George. "What"? "Yes the region in the center of the country called St. George" Goin' back to buy that one for sure!
Stay in touch dear friends and family...and could we ask you to remember these people of Romania in your prayers?
Multimesc and ladavedera,
Elder and Sora McFadden

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