Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bucharest to Arad

Okay that took me by surprise! Went to post this blog and it was all in Romanian!!!! I have heard about computers adjusting to your location, but come on my Romanishte OR yours is not that good right now! Long 31 hour flight, we were so glad to see two elders who helped us lug 6 suitcases to the mission van. No rest, off to be processed for visas via walking in downtown Bucharest which is about 2 million. Next "physicals" for visa and to the park where Russell Nelson dedicated the land of Romania for missionary work in 1990. Read the didicatory prayer in beautiful setting; sweating. Back to mission home for instruction and then off to the train station for adventure to start. Just picture back about 50 years to the old and broken down everything. They did get us a sleeping car which took us 14 hours through the Carparthian Mountains which we did not see as we were listening to clackety clack of railroad and train whistles...kinda like out of the old movies you all have seen. Arriving in Arad 2 hours late once again the Elders were there, however no car. Had to get two taxis' to get us to the Elders flat as we had to meet with our proprietor. She agreed (can't imagine her doing that the way we looked after our overnight experience!) So we had to go back and get all those bags and drag them along the broken up "sidewalk" about a mile to our new Home. We were quite a spectacle. Dropped baggage off and tried to think of what we needed to have food and bedding purchased to live! Whoa ..what an adventure. Still very little sleep and jet lag sets in, no one speaks like us and we cannot communicate with anyone!
We unpacked and realized we need many things, but we are on foot and the store is far away so we just crashed. Now we have had a few days to get our feet on the ground....literally! Went to find a store yesterday and got the name wrong...walked for hours and finally got a cab. Interesting shopping when you do not know anything on the labels! Oh this is an adventure for sure, but our home is quite nice camparatively speaking. We are challenged every minute and out of comfort level most of the time, but we press on and know we are on the Lord's errand...oh he hears from us a lot!
Went to chrurch for first time today. Nice saints, very small; we found out we are now responsible for YSA in area as well as leadeship training in Branch. Back to entertaining and cooking and activities! Out of this "kitchen" !!!! We will make it work.
Thanks for all your love and support, we love you all and are spending hours each day working on this language that sounds so different as they have a dialect here near the Bulgarian border!


  1. So glad to hear that you are settling in and getting used to the area. I can see some atomic fudge and cookies in your near future ;-). One thing you left off your "keep in contact" paper was your Skype ID. Send your Skype ID to us so we can call you tonight. Sure love the update!

  2. You guys are troopers! I can't wait to hear about you guys settling in with the language and culture. Damian prays for you nightly. Looking forward to talking to you on the phone or Skype soon. Love You!

  3. What an adventure! I can picture it all, with both of you smiling the whole way. You are a blessing to the people of Romania! We are praying for you.

  4. I've been so looking forward to hearing about your arrival and experiences! What an adventure! Our prayers are with you!
