Our days were inspiring, informative and the food was pretty good as well. We put in long days as we had 2 hours of language from 6-8 each evening on top of a full day of training and inspiration from great leaders and general authorities. The climax came on Friday Evening when we had our testimony meeting listening to testimonies spoken in the tongue of the country the missionaries were headed. Beautiful and humbling to see what the Lord can to with us "senior missionaries!" Marie and Ian picked us up on Friday evening and we spent Saturday running errands, visiting with friends and family and having Dave's "last supper" at IN AND OUT BURGER.
Monday morning we will give up our cell phones on the way to the airport and be "on our own" in the Lord's care to some place in Romania via Paris, France.
So, dear friends until we get internet service in Romania ...... Lada verdera, Iubim